ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي
ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي
ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي

ملتقى تعليمي هادف ينقل الصورة الحقيقية لمركز البراءة التعليمي يهدف الي توعية الطلاب العلمية ليبرز اهمية مركز البراءة بانه مركز تعليمي هادف يهدف الى الارتقاء بابناءنا الطلبة وتحسين مستواهم التعليمي والترفيه عنهم باقامة الرحلات والمسابقات والجوائز القمية
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
مركز البراءة التعليمى عنوان المتفوقين غزة شارع الصناعة هاتف 2860164
شركة طيبة للسياحة والسفر والحج والعمرة غزة هاتف 2828643
مركز البراءة التعليمي - دروس تقوية لجميع المراحل التعليمية - غزة - الصناعة - مقابل صيدلية ماجد - تميز - ابداع - معرفة - اسالو اوائل الطلبة عنا
مركز البراءة التعليمي - دروس تقوية وتاسيس لجميع المراحل التعليمية - اسلوب حديث وشيق في التدريس - حل الواجبات المدرسية مع الطالب مع الشرح الكامل -حل نماذج الامتحانات مع الطالب وتهيئة الطالب جيدا للامتحانات - العمل على رغبة الطالب وحبه للمدرسة - استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة في التدريس - مدرسين ومدرسات ذو خبرة وكفاءة عالية - استخدام اسلوب شيق وسهل للتدريس - التفوق والنجاح هو عنواننا
للتواصل ,والاستفسار مع طاقم مركز البراءة التعليمي.. اتصل بنا2860164 - alafdal.2010@hotmail.com


 امتحان مقترح لنهاية الفصل الثاني "لغة انجليزية"

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


عدد المساهمات : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/01/2010

امتحان مقترح لنهاية الفصل الثاني "لغة انجليزية" Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: امتحان مقترح لنهاية الفصل الثاني "لغة انجليزية"   امتحان مقترح لنهاية الفصل الثاني "لغة انجليزية" Emptyالخميس يناير 28, 2010 8:08 am

السلطـة الوطنيـة الفلســـطينيـة
وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي
مديرية التربية والتعليم – غـــزة
Palestinian National Authority
Ministry of Education Higher Education
Directorate of Education - Gaza
Suggested Second Term Final Exam for the 11th Grade
Name: ---------------------------- 2007 Class : 11/----
1. What would you say in the following situations: 3points
1. You are not sure about your friend's age which is 17 so you say:
2. You are in a problem and ask someone for help, you say:
3. Your friend invites you to his party but you apologize, you say:
2. Read the following passage the answer the questions below:
The Bermuda Triangle
This is a large area of the Atlantic which is famous because many ships and planes have mysteriously disappeared there. The worst disaster of all was in 1918 when the American ship Cyclops, with a crew of 300, sank without even a call for help. The most famous was the 1945 disappearance of Flight 19, with fourteen crew members.
The five planes left Florida at 14.00 for a simple training flight. Then, at 15.45 they reported that their navigation equipment had stopped working, and they were lost. Later, they thought they were over the Gulf of Mexico and turned east to find Florida. In fact, they must have been over the Atlantic, and they should have flown west. Their radio massages started fading and at the same time, stormy weather was developing. Soon after dark, they must have run out of fuel and crashed far out in the Atlantic. The tragedy was made worse soon afterwards when a rescue plane that was searching for them exploded and crashed.
a) Answer the following questions: 3points
1. What sort of mystery event the passage describe?
2. How do we know for sure that the crews of Flight 19 became completely lost?
3. How many planes and people are there in Flight19?
b) Find from the passage: 4points
1. A word that means a) well-known ----------------- b) disaster ---------------
2. the opposite of a) complicated---------------- b) earlier -----------------
c) Complete the following: 2points
1. While Flight 19 radio massages started fading, a ------------------------------------.
2. The crew of Flight 19 thought that their were over the Gulf of Mexico and turned east but actually they were------------------------------------------------------.
d) To what refer the following words: 2points
1. ( 15.45 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------
2. (fourteen)-----------------------------------------------------------------
3. (there) --------------------------------------------------------------------
4. ( them )--------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: 5points
1. My friend has watched a----------------film
a. frightening b. frightened c. frighten d. fright
2. Emad didn’t take his keys with him. He -------------- seen them on the table.
a. must have b. can't have c couldn’t d. mustn't
3. You put the cable into the------------------to activate the computer.
a- cable b- mouse c- socket d- keyboard
4. Everyone was amazed ---------------- the price of his car
a. for b. in c. at d. on
5. What does the new ---------------Share and Care do?
a. graduation b. vaccination c. explanation d. organization

4. Fill in the space with one of the words in the list below: 5points
memories - conserved - due to - professional - take in .
1. The Earth looks blue ------------- all its water.
2. I was so tired I couldn't ----------------the information I was reading.
3. We store information on microchips with huge--------------------
4. If you ----------------------in using your money, you would not be in trouble.
5. I know how to give -------------------first aid.

5. Complete the sentences with words from the same family: 5points
1. He was very-------------he cleaned 3 rooms with me. ( help)
2. You must be-------------------after working for 12 hours. ( exhaust)
3. Can you give me any ----------------about first aid? (inform)
4. ----------------------------is the only alternative that we can do. ( conserve)
5. Ahmad is a ----------------man . I respect his ideas . (think)

6. Supply with the correct words for each definition: 5points
Poetry - Drama - Storm - History - Flood
1. --------------------: strong wind with rain or snow
2. --------------------: large amount of water covering an area which was dry.
3. --------------------: The Collected Poems of Mahmoud Darwish.
4. --------------------: Life in Ancient Palestine.
5. --------------------: The Complete Plays of William Skakespeare.

IV-LANGUAGE {6marks}
7. Rewrite the sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:
1- You were absent yesterday. --------------------? (Question Tag)
2- I failed in the test because I didn’t study hard. ( should have)
3- You should turn down the heating in offices that are not in use.
The heating --------------------------------------------------------------------.
4. Without enough water, a city can not grow.
If ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
5. " Could you buy me a CD?" Fadi asked Salwa.
Fadi asked Salwa -------------------------------------------------------------.

V-LITERATURE {10marks}
8. Answer the following questions: 6points
1. Why doesn’t Silas love gold as much as he used to?
2. Why was Eppie surprised? What happened to the stone pit?
3. Where did they find Dunstan's body? What did they find near his body and bones?
4. What was Eppie's choice?
5. '' I must go on a journey and I want you to come with me"
a- Who is the speaker and who is he speaking to?
b- Where will he go? and why must he go to that place?

9. Complete the following sentences: 4points
1. Silas puts Eppie in the coal hole because-------------------------------------
2. Aaron will help Silas to----------------------------------------
3. Godfrey told Nancy that the poor woman was-----------and that Eppie was------------
4. Eppie couldn't breathe because------------------------------------------------------------

VI-WRITING {10marks}
10. Write the numbers as words: 2points
a. 5,300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.
b. 7,254----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
11. Write out the words as numbers: 2points
a) Four thousand, two hundred and thirty nine ----------------------------------.
b) Twenty one thousand, five hundred and one -----------------------------------.

12. Paragraph Writing: 6points
Write a paragraph about the Actions in an emergency situation. Use these ideas in writing your paragraph.
{ assess the whole situation – make the area safe – give an emergency first aid – get help from others}

Good luck
امتحان مقترح لنهاية الفصل الثاني "لغة انجليزية" Islam_5
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
امتحان مقترح لنهاية الفصل الثاني "لغة انجليزية"
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي :: البـــراءة المرحـــــلة الثــــــانـــوية :: الصـــــــف الحـــادي عشــــر-
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