ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي
ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي
ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي

ملتقى تعليمي هادف ينقل الصورة الحقيقية لمركز البراءة التعليمي يهدف الي توعية الطلاب العلمية ليبرز اهمية مركز البراءة بانه مركز تعليمي هادف يهدف الى الارتقاء بابناءنا الطلبة وتحسين مستواهم التعليمي والترفيه عنهم باقامة الرحلات والمسابقات والجوائز القمية
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
مركز البراءة التعليمى عنوان المتفوقين غزة شارع الصناعة هاتف 2860164
شركة طيبة للسياحة والسفر والحج والعمرة غزة هاتف 2828643
مركز البراءة التعليمي - دروس تقوية لجميع المراحل التعليمية - غزة - الصناعة - مقابل صيدلية ماجد - تميز - ابداع - معرفة - اسالو اوائل الطلبة عنا
مركز البراءة التعليمي - دروس تقوية وتاسيس لجميع المراحل التعليمية - اسلوب حديث وشيق في التدريس - حل الواجبات المدرسية مع الطالب مع الشرح الكامل -حل نماذج الامتحانات مع الطالب وتهيئة الطالب جيدا للامتحانات - العمل على رغبة الطالب وحبه للمدرسة - استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة في التدريس - مدرسين ومدرسات ذو خبرة وكفاءة عالية - استخدام اسلوب شيق وسهل للتدريس - التفوق والنجاح هو عنواننا
للتواصل ,والاستفسار مع طاقم مركز البراءة التعليمي.. اتصل بنا2860164 - alafdal.2010@hotmail.com


 مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


عدد المساهمات : 223
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/01/2010

مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن   مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن Emptyالخميس يناير 28, 2010 8:37 am

مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن 21

اليكم هذه المادة الاثرائية للفصل االثاني الصف الثامن
مقدم من:

لجنة اللغة الانجليزية
مدرسة بنات الشاطيء الإعدادية- أ غزة
والتى تشمل الوحدات من10 الى 18 أوراق عمل خاصة بمادة المراجعة النهائية قبل امتحانات الفصل االثاني وأيضا قاموس لأهم مفردات الفصل الثاني
.سنبدأ بالوحدة العاشرة

لا تنسونا من خالص الدعاء

Unit 10
1- ( For teachers ) Listen to the following dialogue then answer the questions
Excuse me…. Rami :
How may I help you? Assistant :
These trainers are nice, but they are not big enough . Do you have them in size 36? Rami :
Yes , we certainly do… here you are. Assistant :
Ah these are big enough for me. They are just right. How much are they? Rami :
They are 70 skaqles. Assistant :
Good I'll take them. Rami :
( A ) True or false?
1. Rami is at the clothes shop. ( )
2. Rami wants to buy a pair of trainers. ( )
3. Rami needs size 36 trainers ( )
4. The trainers cost 80 shakles. ( )
( B ) Listen again and get ……
 A word that means large :------------------
 A word that means sure :-------------------
 The opposite of wrong X-------------------
2- What do you say in the following situations?
1- You want to ask for help.-------------------------------------------------
2- You want to ask about the price of something. ------------------------------------------------
3- You give something to someone. ------------------------------------------------
4- Someone helps you. ------------------------------------------------
Read the following passage then answer the questions
Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1867. At school, Marie studied science and mathematics. Her family didn't have much money. As she was poor, she couldn't go to the university. She became a teacher and went on studying in her spare time. With the help of a friend, Marie was encouraged to write to Warsaw University and studied chemistry and Physics. After that Marie traveled to France and she became a student at Sorbonne University. There Marie met Pierre Currie, a French scientist. They married in 1895. They worked hard and discovered radium which used to cure diseases such as cancer. In 1903, the Curies received the Nobel Prize for their famous discoveries.
1- Answer the following questions:
1. What did Marie study at Warsaw University?
2. Which disease could radium be used to cure?
2- Choose the correct answer:
1. Marie Curie was a. Greek b. Polish c. French
2. The government rewarded the Curies----------------
a. for their kindness b. for being a couple c. for their discovery
3- Find the meaning of these words from the passage:
• Free time --------------- illnesses --------------------
• well known ------------------ treat -------------------
• learnt -----------------------
4- Find the opposites of these words from the passage:
• Rich X ------ --------------- little X-----------------
• Unknown X----------------------- enemy X ----------------
5- The underlined words refer to:
There --------------- Curies-----------------
6- The best title for the passage is ----------------------------

Add words to the following networks:

4- Match the words with their meanings 5- Match the words with their opposites.
1- too short ( ) put clothes on 1- heavy ( ) ashamed
2- during ( ) not long enough 2- long ( ) danger
3- dress ( ) while 3- proud ( ) light
4- hard ( ) a lot 4- safety ( ) short

Write the opposite.
1. cool X ---------------- 2. badly X -------------------- 3. inside X --------------------
4. differently X-------------------5. comfortable X----------------------
Write the meaning.
1. protect :------------------ 2. look after : -------------------
3.quickly :----------------------4. types : ---------------------------

8- look at the pictures then complete.
( A )

1- The horse is the ---------------------- animal.
2- The cat is -------------------the mouse.
3- The cat is -------------------the horse.
4- The mouse is the ---------------
100 shaqles 30 shaqles 150 shaqles
1- The bicycle is the -----------------------. ( expensive )
2- The bag is --------------------------- the umbrella. ( expensive )
3- The umbrella is the ------------------------ .( cheap )
4- The bag is -----------------------------the bicycle. ( expensive)
9- Do as the example. The jacket is too small. The jacket is not big enough.
1- The trousers are too short. ___________________________________
2- The shelf is too high. ________________________________________
3- The box is too heavy.________________________________________
10- Negate keeping the same meaning.
1- The dress is too dark. ________________________________________
2- The room is too narrow_______________________________________
3- The arms of the jacket are too short.______________________________
4- The test is too difficult.________________________________________

Correct the words between brackets.
1- Fayrooz sings-------------------------- (beautiful) than a bird.
2- You should act -----------------( polite) with everybody.
3- Jerusalem is -----------------------( great) city in the world.
4- We must cross the road ---------------- .(careful)
5- The children are playing----------------------(happy)
6- The weather today is ----------------------(good) yesterday.
7- Kamal got ----------------- (bad) mark in the class.
8- we do our job -------------------------(good)
Decide whether the underlined word is an adjective or an adverb.

1 I feel better now. ( adv)
2 It's hard to find a job nowadays. ( adj )
3 East or west, home is the best. ( )
4 She did the best to win the match. ( )
5 We should be early for school. ( )
6 Active students get up early ( )
Do as shown in brackets.
1- Karim is too weak to carry the box. (Negate keeping the same meaning)
2- Sally wears her uniform proud. (Correct the mistake) ------------------------------
3- how much is the watch (Punctuate).---------------------------------------------
4- Sorry – safe – better – than (Rearrange)--------------------------------------------------------------
5- Good :--------------------- ( Adverb)

Answer the following questions:
1- Do you wear gloves in winter?
2- Does your father wear a uniform at work?
3- Is it safe for a mechanic to work without gloves?
4- Have you ever been invited to a party?
12- Answer the following questions:
1- Did you use to wear a uniform when you were in the primary school?
2- Do you like to dress well when you are invited to a party?
3- Have you ever bought a gift for someone?
4- Is it warm in summer?
Answer the following questions:
1. What do you usually wear in winter?
2. When do people wear light clothes?
3. What size are your shoes?
4. Why do you wear gloves in winter?

Answer the following questions:
1. Why does a mechanic wear gloves and boots at work?
2. When do we wear warm clothes?
3. Where do people buy bread?
4. What do you buy at the greengrocers'?
15- Finish the following with words from the list.
uniform – proud – hard – smart – dressed
1- I feel very ---------------------to be Palestinian.
2- Lamis looks------------------. I think she is going to a wedding party.
3- I ---------------------my clothes quickly because I was late for school.
4- A doctor wears a white -----------------
5- You should study ------------------to get high marks.
16- Finish the following with words from the list.
during – jeans – comfortably – safety – uncomfortable.
1- We dress more ----------------in summer than we do in winter.
2- I'll visit you -------------------------the holiday.
3- Both boys and girls like to wear --------------------
4- I was very ------------------for most of the journey.
5- We hope to live in peace and ------------------------------
Odd one out :
1- trainers boots jeans shoes
2- gloves coat shorts umbrella
3- light heavy delicious thick
4- fast well good hard
5- proudly comfortable smartly nicely
6- wear dress put on buy
7- later harder well small
8- grey pink dark brown
9- gloves socks shoes trainers
10- proud pleased delighted ashamed

Use the notes in the following table to write a republic announcement about a lost child.
Ali Mustafa Name
10 years Age
120 cm, short dark brown hair appearance
brown T-shirt , blue jeans, white trainers Clothes

We are looking for a child who is lost in Omar El Mukhtar Street.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------.
If you see Ali ,please bring him to the police station.


مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن Islam_9هبة
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
همسات وطن

همسات وطن

عدد المساهمات : 235
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/01/2010

مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن   مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن Emptyالأحد يناير 31, 2010 6:47 am



accept my passing
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مادة الاثرائية للفصل االثا ني للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» قواعد اللغة الانجليزية للفصل الاول للصف الثامن
» الاستعداد للفصل الدراسي الثاني
» مادة إثرائية
» مراجعة الرياضيات لمنهج الصف التاسع الفصل الدراسي الأول
» مراجعة ونماذج امتحانات للفصل الثاني " لغة انجليزية"

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
ملتقى مركز البراءة التعليمي :: البـــراءة المرحـــــلـة الاعداديـــــــــة :: الصــــــــف الثـــــــــامـــن-
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